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How Poker Improves Decision-Making Skills

Poker is a game that involves a significant amount of risk and uncertainty. Even though there are dozens of different poker variants, the basic mechanics remain the same: players put in a mandatory bet (called the blind or ante) and then get dealt 2 cards that they keep hidden from other players. There is then a round of betting, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. A player can check, call, or raise to stay in the round and increase their bets.

As a result, poker helps develop decision-making skills in high-pressure environments. Entrepreneurs and athletes often find themselves in similar situations that require them to make decisions when they may not have all the facts at their disposal. In poker, and business, making these types of decisions requires estimating probabilities and filling in critical missing pieces to reach sound conclusions.

In addition, poker can teach people to control their emotions. It’s easy for stress and anger to rise in the heat of the moment and if it boils over, there can be negative consequences. A good poker player will recognize when their emotions are causing them to make bad decisions and quickly calm down.

Finally, poker can help people learn to read other players. It’s important to understand the tells of other players, including their body language, idiosyncrasies, and betting behavior. Being able to read these cues can be a big advantage in the game and help improve a player’s win rate.

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